Monday, March 19, 2012

CAPSC Meeting

Please join the Calgary Association of Parents and School Councils for our first meeting of 2012, which will be held Thursday March 22nd at 7:00pm, AE Cross School.  We welcome all to attend.

- This month we welcome Chief Superintendent, Naomi Johnson, who will be discussing the budget

- Trustee Bazinet (Wads 12 and 14) will be joining us, as well as Trustee Ferguson (Wards 3 and 4), who will be discussing the Education Act

- We are also pleased to welcome a local Principal, who will be speaking on their involvement with parents and the school council

- Following the discussions we will be facilitating a conversation on the accomplishments of our school councils.  If your school council has a great example of a success story, please feel free to bring it to the meeting or share it with our Executive.

The Calgary Association of Parents and School Councils is an incorporated not-for-profit association that provides relevant and ongoing information and support to parents and school councils in the Calgary Board of Education. Our monthly meetings offer a forum for discussion of important education issues amongst parents and with key education stakeholders such as trustees, CBE administration and Alberta Education.  Check out our website at and make sure to sign up for our monthly e-newsletter.  Please feel free to forward this information to any interested parents.
Leanne Long
Communications Coordinator
Calgary Association of Parents and School Councils

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