Monday, October 31, 2011

Extra Fund$ For Wilma Hansen

As was reported earlier in the blog, our newest Premiere has returned some of the cut back funding to Alberta Education.  That money has trickled down and Principal Higgins has explained to our Advisory Council Chair just what she is doing with Wilma Hansen's share of the windfall.

From Mrs. Higgins:
We have a couple pockets of additional money we will be spending.
1.       We are receiving $17,313 that must be directly used to support AISI. We will use these funds to release Lori (AP) to directly work with teachers in an instructional leadership role. The funds are used to support personalization of learning in the school.
2.       We are receiving $61,810 in one-time funding. We will use these funds in two ways:
a.       Part of the funds will support late literacy. In our PAT analysis it is apparent that several of our students are significantly below grade level with their reading. We will be doing targeted intervention with a formal late literacy program.
b.      Part of the funds will support technology in the classroom. This will be a teacher that works directly with other teachers on implementing technology into their classroom. (This was a position that was surplussed in the spring with the reduced funding). 
With the combined $17, 313 and $61,810 we will be hiring a teacher. This teacher will be taking on the assignments of teachers currently in the building (i.e. Lori’s grade 7 Humanities class) allowing them to be free to do the work that needs to be done. We currently have the skillset on staff to do the pieces above if they are relieved of part of their current assignment. I also think the possibility of hiring a teacher at this time with the necessary skillset all in one is unlikely. This plan will allow us to directly impact student achievement with a minimum amount of disruption. While I agree it is disruptive to bring in a new teacher 2 months into the school year and this will impact a couple classes, we are not in the position of a full reorganization which is good news. 
This is all good news indeed and I for one am very happy that we have been able to benefit from the additional funding.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Meeting Follow Up

A quick post as an overview of the meetings held on October 18th.

The Council meeting was scheduled to go first and unfortunately did not achieve quorum.  As there was also no quorum at their AGM, the Wilma Council has been dissolved.  Because it is required that all schools in Alberta have a Council, Mrs. Higgins has consulted Alberta Regulation 113/2007 Section 16(1) and established a temporary advisory committee to take over the duties and responsibilities of the Council.  If you can help with this committee please come to the next meeting (Tuesday, November 15 @ 7pm in the library) and put your name forward.  Within 40 days of the start of the next school year, an establishment meeting for a new Wilma Hansen Council will be held.  Please consider volunteering.  If you have any questions about the roles of the committee and/or the Council, you can send them to

Take Our Kids to Work Day - Grade 9

"Take Our Kids to Work Day is an annual event sponsored by the Learning Partnership that encourages grade 9 students to spend a day with their parent/guardian at their worksite." - letter from Mrs. Higgins.

Sounds like a great way to spend some time with your kid(s), show off your job, and open up some lines of communication all at once.  More information and links in the letter.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Follow the Blog

Don't want to miss any stories/important dates/school activities that are posted on our 'blog?  Simply add your email to the white box on the right and you will receive any new blog post directly to your inbox.  This is a convenient way to stay on top of what is being written on the blog.  After you type in your email address you will receive an email confirming that you want to subscribe - simple as that.

Adding your email will also automatically get your name on the Council/PA Email List and is another way to make sure you don't miss any news or extra information regarding activities at the school.

You can unsubscribe any time.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Alberta Education Funds Returned

Although the focus of this blog is primarily local to our school; there is so much going on lately at the provincial level I feel compelled to follow up a previous post.

It was reported widely in the press that one of Alison Redford's promises if elected to lead Alberta's PC party would be to restore our education funding within 10 days.  Well she was elected and she has restored the funding.  This will hopefully reflect on our kids education environment directly and quickly.  For more, click here: a short article reporting the return of funds and introducing our new Education Minister Thomas Luckaszuk.

Bingo Correction

Please note that the December bingo has been changed to a 'Band' bingo. 

To learn about the bingo efforts and how you can participate in (and benefit from) the bingo fund-raisers, come out to the Annual General Meeting next week on Tuesday October 18th.  The meeting is in the Wilma library and starts after the Council meeting at 7pm..

Click here for the entire Bingo list.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

AGM - Tuesday October 18

The Parent Association AGM is coming up on Tuesday October 18th, it will immediately follow the Council meeting which starts at 7pm in the Wilma library.  Click here to see the full agenda, the highlights of which include:

-nominations and elections for all executive positions
-update on possible Bingo fines
-the school's wishlist

If you only attend one meeting of your Parent Association, this is the one you should be at.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

2010 PAT Results Released

The CBE has released the Provincial Achievement Test (PAT) results from last year.  Grades 3, 6, and 9 were tested province wide to provide a metric of learning.  Click here to see the results posted on the CBE website.

Controversy about the tests has been around a long time; some feel there is too much pressure applied to our kids, some question the applicability of the results, others feel it is more of a metric for schools and teachers, some feel its an indispensable tool for measuring success, and others a waste of tax payer money.  Our provincial Education minister, Dave Hancock, has this to say.  Our new premiere-elect wants to do away with them in elementary schools. What do you think?  Leave a comment...

For more on PAT's: From the Sun, from the Herald, from Alberta Education

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tell the CBE how to spend windfall...

 As reported earlier on this blog, Alison Redford made a startling campaign promise.  She said if elected to lead the PC party she would restore the reduced Educational funding to Alberta's school boards.  In a shocking victory over the weekend she finds herself in the province's driver seat.  IF Premier Redford is able to shake the money loose and IF the funds are unrestricted; the CBE would like to know how to spend the restored cash that may be coming their way.  Click the link below and answer the two question survey - let them know what you think.  This sort of input will have a direct effect on our educational environment!