Thursday, December 19, 2013

Happy Holidays

From the Wilma Hansen School Parent Association

Borrowing from a list of best-wishers:
  • Blessed is the season that engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love - Hamilton Mabie
  • May you have warmth in your igloo, oil in your lamp, and peace in your heart - Inuit proverb
  • May all your troubles last as long as your New Year's resolutions - Joey Adams
  • If you can't be merry at Christmas, then you can drive the rest of us home when we are - M Bromberg

Have fun - be safe: Happy Holidays

Ralphie: I want a Red Ryder carbine action two-hundred shot range model air rifle. Oooooooh!
Mother: No, you'll shoot your eye out.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Seasons Greetings From the Board of Trustees and the Chief Superintendent

From the CBE:

"The holiday season is upon us once again. It’s a time to celebrate and reflect on the year that is ending.

We can’t look back on 2013 without remembering the unprecedented flood that occurred in June. It was a difficult time for so many of our communities and caused disruption to our year-end exams and activities. Yet, our teachers, staff, students, parents and volunteers pulled together as a strong, supportive community to ensure our students, schools and facilities were safe – and to support each other and those impacted by the flood.

The dedication demonstrated at that time was inspiring and continues throughout the year. We value your commitment to our students and schools and we look forward to continuing to work together to support student learning.

Best wishes for a joyous holiday and for the coming new year."

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

From the CBE: Check upcoming school open houses to see choices to personalize learning

"The CBE has a rich variety of programs to personalize learning for students. A great way to learn more about these programs is to visit the many open houses that take place throughout the year. To see our full calendar of open houses click here."

Monday, December 9, 2013

Mrs. Higgins Finding a New Home

"It is with mixed emotion that I am writing to inform you that as of January 1, 2014, I will be leaving the Calgary Board of Education and Wilma Hansen School. I have accepted a position with the Foothills School Division." - Letter from Mrs. Higgins
 As I'm sure everyone is aware of by now, we are losing our fabulous admin. Mrs. Higgins. She is moving to a new school, closer to home and the community where she lives. Please take the time to thank her for her outstanding efforts at Wilma and wish her the best in her new placement. I know we are going to miss her. Best of luck Mrs. Higgins.

Winter Band Concert

Reminder that the Winter Band Concert is coming up on Wednesday December 11 at 7pm.